Function: break
Usage: break
Return: dunno
Stops execution of the currently running program and shells
into the lisp interpreter. Pretty cool, but unlikely that
you'd use it in a game (although you could get clever, I
guess). Great for debugging, though.
Function: can_see
Usage: (can_see sourcex sourcey destx desty obj_ptr)
Return: T or nil
Returns whether or not there is a line of sight from
[source] to [dest]. I assume the things that block you from
moving are the same things that can block a line of sight.
I dunno what obj_ptr is (or even if it really is an obj_ptr)
because it's always nil. I suppose it might be an objec that
can also block sight, but again, I dunno.
Function: create_players
Usage: (create_players obj-tag)
Returns: dunno
Creates a player to be controlled by the local PC. The player starts
off in the same location as the START object. If you don't do a
(create_player) BEFORE you enter the editor, you can't to squat (try
commenting out the create_player in abuse.lsp and see what I mean).
Object Functino: current_weapon_type
Usage: (current_weapon_type)
Returns: The currently selected weapon.
Returns the current weapons selected by the local character.
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