Finding Things: bg, first_focus, next_focus, can_see, find_object_*
Section IV. Credits
Special Thanks goes to...
Jonathan Clark <jc@crack.com>...................Help all over the place!
Object Function: activated
Usage: (activated)
Returns: T or nil
Returns T if the (me) object is activated, nil otherwise.
An activated object is one who's aistate does not equal 0. Thus,
you could have just done a (not (eq (aistate) 0)), but (activated)
is shorter.
Function: ascatter_line
Usage: (ascatter_line x1 y1 x2 y2 color1 color2 spread)
Returns: dunno
Draws a fuzzy line between points 1 and 2 using colors 1 and 2. You
can control the fuzziness with the [spread] parameter, which should
take a value between 0 and 8.
Object Function: add_ammo
Usage: (add_ammo weapon_type amount)
Returns: dunno
Adds [amount] ammo to the weapon [weapon_type]. Amount can be
negative to subract ammo. Make sure to call (has_weapon) to see
if the player has that weapon or not. If they don't you can call
(give_weapon) to give it to them.
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