with the (set_light_r2) function.
Object Function: get_object
Usage: (get_object n)
Returns: an object.
Returns the [n]th object in your link list. Most often used in
with (with_object) to perform some action inside another object.
Like: (with_object (get_object 0) (set_x 10)).
Function: give_weapon
Usage: (give_weapon weapon_type)
Returns: dunno
Gives the player the weapon [type]. Once the player has a weapon,
you can start filling it up using the (add_ammo) function. Use
(has_weapon) to see if someone has a weapon before giving it to
Object Function: gravity
Usage: (gravity)
Returns: the value of gravity
I assume the internal variable gravity is used by the builtin
movement functions to make things fall. You can see if gravity
is turned on or not by checking this value. You can also set the
value of gravity using the (set_gravity) function.
Object Function: has_object
Usage: (has_object obj_ptr)
Returns: T or nil
Determines whether or not the [obj_ptr] is in the current object's
link list. If so, (has_object) returns T. It returns nil otherwise.
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