Plays the sound [sound_class] as if it had come from location
[x] [y] at the specified [volume]. Before you can use this
function, you need to use (def_sound) to hook the .wav file up
to a certain sound class.
Object Function: player_number
Usage: (player_number)
Returns: Int
Returns which player number the object is. I'm not sure what happens
if you call this when object (not (isa_player)). Evidently, the
local player is always player number 0, with networked players taking
up numbers >= 1. There's no use for this until the network patch
comes out, as you'll always get a 0 back.
Function: player_b1_suggest
Usage: (player_b1_suggest)
Returns: T or nil
Gets the state of the first mouse button. If you're inside a move
function, you should use the value of the but parameter and not
(player_b1_suggest). Just a suggestion :).
Function: player_b2_suggest
Usage: (player_b2_suggest)
Returns: T or nil
Gets the state of the second mouse button. If you're inside a move
function, you should use the value of the but parameter and not
(player_b1_suggest). Just a suggestion :).
Function: player_pointer_x
Usage: (player_pointer_x)
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