Function: load_palette
Usage: (load_palette [spe])
Returns: dunno
Specifies the [spe] which contains the palette to be used during
the game, I suppose.
Function: load_small_font
Usage: (load_small_font spe font)
Returns: dunno
Probably the same as (load_big_font), but the font used for
drawing things in small type (I dunno).
Function: load_tiles
Usage: (load_tiles spe*)
Returns: dunno
Loads the [spe]'s containing all the tiles which will be made
available in the editor. If you'd make your own background
tiles in the art/back directory called wumpus.spe and fuzzy.spe, you'd
have to call (load_tiles "art/back/wumpus.spe" "art/back/fuzzy.spe")
before you can use them in the editor.
Object Function: local_player
Usage: (local_player)
Returns: T or nil
Determines whether or not the object in question is a local player or
not. I'm thinking that (isa_player) will return T for both local
and networked players, but (local_player) will only return true
if we're talking about the player on the local client. Good for
stuff like invisiblity.
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