drawing order or something. For example, you grab an object
and say (with_obj0 (if (isa_player) nil (raise))).
WARNING: raise should only be called from the reload_fun.
Function: rand_on
Usage: (rand_on)
Returns: Something...
I dunno what this does. It looks like it and (set_rand_on) might
have something to do with seeding the random number generator,
but I'm not sure.
Function: random
Usage: (random n)
Returns: Int
Picks a random number between either 0 and [n] or 1 and [n]. I
don't have Abuse handy to check, at the moment. Is good for
placing explosions in a chaotic way.
Function: request_end_game
Usage: (request_end_game n)
Returns: dunno
Function: request_level_load
Usage: (request_level_load level)
Returns: dunno
Asks for the interpretert to load the level [level]. [level] should
be the full path to the file you want to load from the abuse
directory. The level will be loaded at the _end_ of the current
game tick.
... Далее >>