Object Function: dev_draw
Usage: (dev_draw)
Returns: dunno, probably nothin'.
Basically, calls the normal draw function if and only if the editor
is currently running. Sensors, gates, etc. all use def_draw for
their draw functions.
Object Function: do_damage
Usage: (do_damage amount who ???x ???y)
Returns: dunno, probably nothin'.
Does [amount] damage to [who]. [x] and [y] are probably the
amount to recoil, or maybe xvel and yvel like in damage_fun.
I dunno.
Object Function: draw
Usage: (draw)
Returns: dunno
Draw the person in a very standard way.
Function: draw_line
Usage: (draw_line x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
Returns: dunno
Draws a line in the usual fashion. Here's another example for the
faint of heart: (draw_line 10 10 20 20 (find_rgb 128 128 128)) draws
a 45 degree, greyish line.
Function: draw_predator
Usage: (draw_predator)
Returns: dunno
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