Returns the name of the level. This can also be used as an argument
to (request_level_load).
Function: light_r2
Usage: (light_r2 light)
Returns: Int
(light_r2) will let you look at the second radius of the [light]
object. Is pretty cool because it lets you do some neat dimming
effects, like: (set_light_r2 (- (light_r2 (get_light 0)) 1))
You can set the value of a light's r2 using (set_light_r2), of
Object Function: link_light
Usage: (link_light light)
Returns: dunno
(link_light) will add the [light] object to the current objects
list of lights. After linking, you can get to the light by
calling (get_light). For example, if you're doing some sort of
adventure game and the user lights a lantern, you might want to
do a (link_light (add_light 0 (x) (y) 1 (aitype) 0 0)).
Object Function: link_object
Usage: (link_light obj_ptr)
Returns: dunno
As in (link_light), (link_object) puts [obj_ptr] in the current
object's link list. You can now recall that object with the
(get_object) function. These dynamic links, as far as I can tell,
are identical to the links you set up using the level editor.
Function: load
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